Catholic Identity
At the core of St. Patrick Academy is our Catholic faith. The Academy provides authentic Catholic teaching, opportunities for community worship and participation in the sacraments, and promotes evangelization and service to the community. As a faith community, the Academy integrates the Roman Catholic faith throughout its Vision Statement, Mission Statement, and Philosophy, which permeate all aspects of school life on a daily basis. To a great extent, these are embodied in our School-wide Learning Expectations based on the acronym “SUCCEED”:
All classrooms and offices have prayer corners/tables and bulletin boards reflecting the faith component of daily study. Sacramentals are evident throughout the campus. Mary’s Garden provides a lovely small grotto used for prayer groups and for the May Crowning. Our students celebrate their faith artistically and musically through their participation in our choirs, instrumental music programs, liturgical dance, through arts integration activities, and through participation in art exhibitions throughout the local community. These faith-based artistic ventures speak to the Academy’s core belief in the Fine Arts as a vehicle for experiencing and evidencing our faith. All staff members of the Academy support our service-oriented vision, and serve as active role models of their faith for all students, sharing the Good News of Jesus in all aspects of school life. All faculty members have their Diocesan Catechist Certification. We are all committed to our motto LIVE WITH FAITH, LEARN WITH PASSION, LIGHT THE WORLD, and our administration is dedicated to providing on-going opportunities for faith formation among staff, students, and families.