Learning Center
The Learning Center’s primary function and goal is to assist all Academy students in becoming successful in achieving their academic goals. The Learning Center staff works closely with students, parents/guardians, teachers, and the Administration to ensure that each student’s individual needs are identified, addressed appropriately and tracked toward success. The Learning Center Staff recognizes that students have differing skills, needs, and learning modalities, and we are proactive advocates for our students. The Learning Center staff includes a multidisciplinary team, all of whom are dedicated to helping every student reach his/or true and full academic potential.
A message from the Learning Center Director, Mrs. Kathleen A. R. Juarez
St. Patrick Academy’s Learning Center
St. Patrick Academy’s Learning Center was established in 2010 and continues to serve as a specialized resource to monitor and assist those students who are most in need academically. We have evolved quite dramatically in the last fourteen years; however, we have done so with the same purpose in mind every year: helping each child succeed in meeting their maximum potential.
As the Learning Center Director, I routinely collaborate with teachers and staff to ensure all children have the opportunity for success. We are incredibly fortunate to have a Title I program through our local public school districts. For many years now, we have integrated small group instruction with our Title I instructor, Mr. Tom Crane. He has established a great educational rapport with all of the students he services and works diligently to ensure students receive the fundamental skills they need. This has created a solid foundation for many of those students who might otherwise falter without additional help. These small groups are carefully selected based on academic need -- usually using beginning of the year STAR testing data and teacher input. Mr. Crane also focuses heavily on the remediation of our core curriculum in reading, language arts, and math.
Additionally, the Learning Center has become a starting point for SST (“Student Success Team”) meetings. and also in assisting parents with IEPs (“Individualized Education Plans”). An SST is usually held at the request of the homeroom teacher or parent and is largely used as a positive tool to help set a student on the right path educationally. In addition, should a parent need or want assistance with the IEP process, I am happy to help facilitate this. Although it can be a daunting process working through this with the school district, I am here to help advocate for the overall well-being of your child, and for you as the parent or guardian, as well.
As with any private school, St. Patrick Academy has always relied on the resources we have available to us. Although this is certainly not on the same level as the public school system, we do quite well with what we have and – more importantly – we strive to do what’s best for the unique needs of each child. I would like all parents, guardians, and families to understand that I am truly here to help. The Academy is a small but mighty community and I have watched many of the children here grow up. I want nothing more than to see all students at St. Patrick Academy thrive! With that, I will leave you with this quote:
“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.”
~ Albert Einstein
Mrs. Kathleen A.R. Juarez
Learning Center Director & Assistant Principal
St. Patrick Academy