Liturgy and Prayer
Prayer is the fundamental component of our faith community, and the Academy provides an abundance of regular opportunities for staff, students, and families to experience prayer and to celebrate the sacraments. In the classrooms, students pray throughout the day; before each class, before meals, and at the end of the day. Our school chapel is used for staff/student/class prayer and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. The school year is opened with the Mass of the Holy Spirit, and the school community celebrates together with an all-school Mass on the two times each month. All classes attend weekly prayer together as a community and classes attend the parish Mass once per month. All school assemblies, programs, and meetings begin with prayer. The school community worships together and classes are offered for parents/guardians and students to broaden their knowledge of our faith.
Holy Days are honored appropriately, and St. Patrick Academy honors our patron saint, St. Patrick, with a prayer assembly. In appreciation for the blessings of the Sisters who serve our children (Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary, IBVM & Sister Servants of the Blessed Sacrament, SJS), the Academy celebrates the feast days of their founders, Mary Ward (IBVM) and Bishop Silviano Carrillo (SJS).